
Archive for June, 2023

Este tratado de Thomas Doolittle, escrito por el pastor de la infancia del gran comentarista de la Biblia Matthew Henry, es una obra maestra muy olvidada sobre el tema de la naturaleza, la justificación y los métodos de la catequesis. Es una lectura obligada para cualquier pastor reformado.

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Inscríbase en un curso del seminario sobre la teoría y la práctica de la catequesis. El costo del curso es de sólo $10 USD; y hay vacantes disponibles gratuitamente para un número limitado de quienes deseen auditar el curso.

Más información sobre el curso: https://www.facebook.com/str.iprbolivia.org

Comprensión teológica: Los estudiantes adquirirán una sólida comprensión de los principios básicos y las ventajas de la catequesis como disciplina teológico-pastoral dentro de la Iglesia. Serán capaces de analizar y aplicar estos conceptos fundamentales en su vida y práctica cristiana.

Formación doctrinal: El curso capacitará a los estudiantes para formar a otros en las doctrinas fundamentales de la fe cristiana. Aprenderán a transmitir de manera clara y efectiva estos principios, tanto a adultos convertidos como a menores bautizados, fomentando una comprensión profunda y significativa de la fe.

Profesión de fe personal: Los estudiantes desarrollarán la habilidad de realizar una profesión de fe personal y creíble. A través del conocimiento adquirido en el curso, podrán articular su fe de manera coherente y convincente, fortaleciendo así su relación con Dios y su plena pertenencia a la Iglesia.

Página web del seminario: https://iprbolivia.org/strinfo/

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Though I am Presbyterian, I have for years deeply appreciated the great majority of what the New England fathers set forth here in their Cambridge Platform (1649) concerning why, how, and when church members may lawfully leave their local congregation to join another. Would to God we “eat this scroll,” internalizing its biblical principles. And so may we more and more in this individualistic and non-committal age live out the articles of our ancient creed, “I believe an holy catholic church” and “the communion of saints!”

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Of church members, their removal from one church to another, and of recommendation and dismission.

1. CHURCH members may not remove or depart from the church, and so one from another as they please, nor without just and weighty cause, but ought to live and dwell together; forasmuch as they are commanded, not to forsake the assembling of themselves together. Such departure tends to the dissolution and ruin of the body, as the pulling of stones and pieces of timber from the building, and of members from the natural body, tend to the destruction of the whole.

Heb. x. 25.

2. It is therefore the duty of church members, in such times and places where counsel may be had, to consult with the church whereof they are members about their removal, that accordingly they having their approbation, may be encouraged, or otherwise desist. They who are joined with consent, should not depart without consent, except forced thereunto.

Prov.xi. 16.

3. If a member’s departure be manifestly unsafe and sinful, the church may not consent thereunto; for in so doing, they should not act in faith, and should partake with him in his sin. If the case be doubtful, and the person not to be persuaded, it seemeth best to leave the matter unto God, and not forcibly to detain him.

Rom. xiv. 23. 1 Tim. v. 22. Acts, xxi. 14.


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So a development on our Middle Eastern refugee friend, “Fatima.” The most recent update is here, with previous entries here.

Our original goal for Fatima – on a practical level, at least – was to get her fully on her feet. She has made progress for sure and has saved a good amount of money. We are now trying to help her launch out with a new rental situation. Ideally, we’d like to pair her with another Christian family, couple, or single woman. She could afford about $800-900/mo. for a room or to be a roommate. Fatima is a sweet, gentle soul, about 45 years old, with decent English. Would you have any space to spare? This would be great opportunity for someone to show the love of Christ in tangible ways, help an immigrant acclimate to a new culture, and get some additional income. We’d love to find a situation in R.I. or southern New England. However, she would be open to relocate anywhere with the U.S., and we would be very helpful to facilitate that process with the right situation.

Please feel free to inquire further, reach out to Vincent Gebhart, vincegebhart1 at gmail dot com, 401-743-4162.

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